In a world where you can be anything,
be generous. Choose Gifty.


Buy One, Gift One

Double the joy, double the generosity with Gifty.

How does it work

Buy One

Add a piece of jewlery to your cart and get an extra piece as a gift

Gift One

Keep one for yourself and decide how to share the second piece 

Gift to a loved one: We'll ship both pieces to you.

Gift to a stranger: We'll ship one piece to you and give the other to a stranger along with your kind note. ( Video : Tiktok, Instagram, YouTube )

Make a difference

Your kindness spreads joy, making the world a brighter place, one gifty at a time.

Gift a little, love a lot

That's the Gifty way

Gift a little, love a lot

Gift a little, love a lot

That's the Gifty way

Gift a little, love a lot

Gift a little, love a lot

That's the Gifty way

Gift a little, love a lot

That's the Gifty way

Gift a little, love a lot

That's the Gifty way

That's the Gifty way

Gift a little, love a lot

That's the Gifty way

my Mission

Hey there! I'm just a regular guy with a simple vision.

to spread love and kindness wherever I go.

More About Gifty